

How to correct errors in an essay or report? Introduction Your browser does not support the audio element. Hi everyone, my name is Vincent! I'm currently studying at Montmorency College in Social Sciences. More specifically, studying The world and the Society. Today, I'll be sharing with you an amazing website that is very helpful to become more efficient in English. This website is very versatile, and it can help you from pronunciation to vocabulary. Like most people, I hate losing points over simple errors that can easily be fixed in an essay. I'm not an expert of the language, I am merely a student, but I found that learning a new language can be simplified with the right tools. I have been studying in my field of study for almost two years no...


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World and Society

  Social Sciences This glossary contains words that are frequently used in the field of study of World and Society. Americanization noun the action of making a person or thing American in character or nationality. Example: This is not to say music programming doesn't attract money - it does - but money tends to congregate around the celebrity - strewn rock extravaganza, which is not our line at all. Though if we did follow the dictates of the market - place, that's where we'd be heading, fast. MIPCOM takes place over five days - - though not being exhibitors with all the setting - up and taking - down of displays (video - screens, logos, stylish furniture, programme brochures, all de rigueur ) - we opted for just three days. fr: Américanisation Your browser does not support the audio element. Automation noun the use of largely automatic equipment in a system ...


  About me Hi, my name is Vincent Bouchard and I have been studying Social Sciences for two years at Montmorenc College. My program prepares me for teaching in subjects such as history and geography. I will most likely diverge into administration at University. Like any other program, it is bound to have a little bit of competition, but not that much.  About this Blog This blog is going to be about my journey through school and also about the future of my studies. It will dive into the program I intend to enter in UQUAM. My blog would mainly be for other students who are in the same situation as I am. For the posts, you can expect to see an explanation of the job that interests me and also more information about the courses in my current program. To make sure of the quality of my writing, I will use a dictionary, a Virtual Writing Tutor and other students.